
360° feedback

A special variant in evaluation is 360 degree feedback. Here, evaluation is undertaken by all those persons who can make a contribution to assessing a member of staff. These include in particular colleagues, subordinates and superiors and clients, but also the self-assessment of the person being evaluated her or himself. Particular attention should be paid under gender aspects to an equally balanced inclusion of women and of men and to gender-sensitive criteria. It is only in this way that gender-specific stereotypes can be avoided.

Exchange of views with others on evaluation issues can, if gender equality goals are explicitly formulated, contribute to recognizing typical gender-specific bias effects and embarking on a continuous learning process on non-discriminatory performance evaluation. What is needed for putting this successfully into practice is a culture of trust within the workforce and a transparent procedure that gives everyone the same opportunities for being part of it. This tool is equally suitable for staff as well as management. Its particular attraction is in encouraging thinking and communicating beyond established work processes and thus helping the organization’s development. 360° feedback could in this way be an integral part of quality management oriented to gender equality.


Hertie Stiftung - Audit Beruf und Familie: Maßnahmen & Anregungen: 360°-Feedback (Information and best practices)
erstellt von Administrator zuletzt verändert: 02.01.2010 20:07